Sunday, June 29, 2014

Coming Up for Air

I think it's clear from my last post this whole expat thing isn't always rainbows and butterflies. I think it's important to be honest about this. Facebook and Instagram photos are great and all, but this is my lifealot in the past 6 months and wouldn't trade it for anything, regardless.. Getting on that plane to Turkey was a good feeling. My first afternoon in Istanbul I napped with the door open and the sea breeze coming in off my top floor balcony. No mosquitoes, no sand, no barbed wire or bars on the windows, no gates or guards. Just clean, safe, fresh air. Getting out on my own is my way of shaking the loneliness that comes with being a vagabond. I am at my best when I travel, usually alone, all the while loving to meet as many people as possible along the way. I firmly believe you meet more people when you are on your own. A single person is more approachable than a pair of friends or a couple. The freedom and independence that comes with that is my drug, and I am hooked. With all that said, Turkey: Wow. I am not sure where to start but I think my photos speak for themselves. I am thankful for family and friends to visit along the way and the hospitality that has been extended my way means more than they probably know. I leave for Spain in two days, which is incredibly exciting. It's like visiting an old friend. I lived there almost a decade ago and my 20 year old self is most certainly a different person than my near 30 year old self. It should be interesting. I am currently mulling over the idea of starting another section of my blog for when I take trips. As with most things, I require some time to ponder. I am considering starting a forum to share my stories in more detail and give a few of my secrets to other fellow adventurers. For now it's a day of laundry, rest, travel and on to country 2/3. This may be hard to believe but there are things I miss about Niamey: My babies (JD and George), Coca- Cola in the glass bottles, and my own bed. In the mean time, I know how lucky I am and am going to make the most of the next month.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Megan, you are a beautiful human being! Love this honest post and although my travels have been far too few, I can totally relate to your observations about solo adventures. Stunning and sensitive photos as always, keep them coming!Big hugs from the Rose City.
