Thursday, December 31, 2015

15 Things I learned in 2015

This year was a journey for me. I got married, visited some countries, worked a lot and learned tons about love, life, myself and this crazy world we live in. Since I don't believe in New Years resolutions, here are some words of wisdom from me to you from the year. In no particular order, here's what I learned in 2015: 

Hard Work pays off. Success feels best when earned. 

Save your voice, so when you use it people know you really mean it. 

You are not responsible for how you feel, only for how you behave. 

No matter how hard I try, I can’t save all the stray animals, but that won’t keep me from trying. 

Never be afraid to take a chance cause it might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to you. 

Instead of focusing on what you haven’t accomplished yet, celebrate what you’ve done. 

Be kind, even when you don’t feel like it. Maybe they were just having a bad day? 

Washing your underwear in the shower is genius.

Own your strengths instead of trying to be someone you aren’t. 

Santa is my favorite as A Cat or A Moroccan Man. 

If you feel like staying home that’s okay. 

It’s a big world out there. 

Be silly like no one's watching because who cares if they are. 

Placing expectations on people will only lead to frustration.

Marry someone who can make you laugh at yourself even when you're hangry. 

Happy New Year to all the Humans on Planet Earth.